
Big 2 Scoring

The document shows how the poker game big 2 is scoring. There are 2 cases. When the game ends, North, East, South and West have remaining cards below: North — 0 East — 1 South — 1 West — 1 The result: North +3 (+1, +1, +1), East -1 (-1, 0, 0), South -1 (-1, 0, 0), West -1 (-1, 0, 0) When the game ends, North, East, South and West have remaining cards below: North — 0 East — 10 (will have penalty of x 2) South — 5 West — 1 The result: North +26 (+20, +5, +1), East -54 (-20, -15, -19), South +6 (-5, +15, -4), West -22 (-1, + 19, + 4)


鋤大Dee是流行於中港台的撲克遊戲,在香港,我們叫「鋤大Dee」,在台灣,人們叫「大老二」,在中國大陸,人們叫「鋤大地」。各處鄉村各處例,原來鋤大Dee在各地的規則都是不一樣,本文會指出鋤大Dee的牌例在香港和台灣的5大分別。 花的順序 在香港,花大小的順序為葵扇、紅心、梅花和階磚。但在台灣,花的大小順序為葵扇、紅心、階磚和梅花。梅花和階磚的大小是相反的。 同花可以出 在香港,我們是可以出同花,如紅心3、4、5、6、8。但是在台灣,同花不是有效的5張牌,是不可以出的。 三條可以出 在香港,我們是可以出三條,如3、3、3。但是在台灣,三條不是有效牌,是不可以出的。 蛇的順序 在香港,蛇的順序是10,J,Q,KA < 2,3,4,5,6 < A,2,3,4,5。簡單說是一張一張牌比大小。在台灣,蛇叫做「順子」,順子的順序是A,2,3,4,5 < 10,J,Q,KA < 2,3,4,5,6。A在2,3,4,5,6時,只當1點,是最小的,而2,3,4,5,6則是最大的順子。 夫佬打蛇 在香港,上家出5張牌,你可以出任何組合的5張牌,只要你的5張牌是比上家的大。在台灣夫佬叫「葫蘆」,4條叫「鐵支」。牌例上,如果上家出順子,你只能出順子,除非你有鐵支或同花順,否則都是不能出的。即是說,在台灣的牌例,你是不能用葫蘆打順子。 總結: 有時我們會認識一些台灣的朋友,如果大家在玩牌前,先說好以上幾點規則才開始。這樣就可以避免在玩牌途中,出現不必要的爭拗,而傷害朋友之間的感情。 筆者最近把自己開發的鋤大Dee遊戲加入了台灣的牌例如下圖。這是少數同時支持香港和台灣牌例的鋤大Dee遊戲,而且還支援藍芽連線。如果讀者剛認識一些台灣的新朋友,可以和他們一起安裝,連線對打。 Android安裝: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.redkoda.bigtwo iOS安裝: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1206756939 YouTube:

Big 2 - 4 Tops to win Big2

Big 2 is a game originating from the Chinese territories ( specially in Guangzhou , Malaysia , Singapore , Hong Kong , Macau and Taiwan ) it used poker cards to gamble as a game. It is widely played in places where there’s large numbers of Chinese population, it is popular to people of all ages . Every game has 4 players , each has 13 cards, whoever finished their cards wins . Below are 4 techniques to win. 1. If you don’t know who’s the Patsy, then you are the Patsy Warren Buffett has a saying “If you have been in a poker game for a while, and you still don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy.” Thus , the first tip to win is to find the Patsy and prevent from being the Patsy. 2. Cutting of other player’s card to prevent from being penalized On a normal card game, the cards are equally distributed. But on certain occasion, one player had much better cards, which is crucial to winning. If other two players were being cut or blocked, but you were spares, you h...

鋤大D技巧 - 4大鋤Dee必勝技巧

鋤大D,又稱鋤大地、鋤大弟、大老二、階級鬥爭、步步高升,起源於香港,是一個在大中華地區(尤其是廣東、馬來西亞、新加坡、香港、澳門及台灣)使用撲克牌玩的含賭博成分之遊戲。大部分都是盛行在華人界中,不少男女老幼喜愛玩的撲克牌遊戲。每局4位玩家,每人13張牌,最先打完手上的牌便勝出遊戲。本文會分享4個鋤大D有關的技巧。 1. 如果你不知誰是「水魚」,你就是「水魚」 股神巴菲特有以下名句,「如果你玩撲克牌一段時間,而你不知誰是「水魚」,你就是「水魚」」(If you have been in a poker game for a while, and you still don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy)。因此,鋤大D必勝技巧第1條,就是找出誰是「水魚」並且不要做「水魚」。 2. 要炒人和不要被炒 一般牌局,每家手上的牌好壞都差不多,勝負上落可能是只是幾張牌。但有些局數,當有一家的牌特別好,這時就是勝負關鍵。如果另外兩家被炒,而你沒有,最終你也會是贏錢。通常「炒人的好牌」都是2手大的5張牌,如Jack夫佬(葫蘆)或以上,然後1對Dee或3條。 那你如何配合他呢? 如果你是首發牌的那位,你手上的牌可組合蛇(順子)或花(同花),你要出花(同花)而不出蛇(順子)。原因是如果你上家拿「炒人的好牌」,你出蛇(順子)是放生下家和對家。如果你出花(同花),最少有一家會被炒。 3. 什麼時候出大Dee呢? 假設你手上有大Dee或全場最大那張牌,而你的牌數又多又散,那大Dee應留到什麼時候出才對呢? 如果你有5張牌,而有其幾家都有10張以上的牌,你可以出大Dee,再出5張牌。看看有沒有機會其中有1家拿「炒人的好牌」。另外,如果將會話事那家手上只剩1張、2張、3張或5張牌,而你有可能成為輸家,你也必須出大Dee,避免成為該局的大輸家。 4. 熟能生巧 跟所有技術一樣,熟能生巧。要鋤大D玩得好,有2大技能要提升。其一是記憶力,要記住出過最大的Dee、Ace和King。其二是快速的閲讀能力,快速地查看手上的牌,看看能否組成蛇(順子)、花(同花)或夫佬(葫蘆)等。這些技能,可以透過手機遊戲訓練和提升。 關於手機遊戲,筆者會推薦KK鋤大D。這是一個離線的鋤大D遊戲...

How to win at blackjack — Card Counting

During high school, my mathematics teacher once said that in the casino, there is only one game, in which the gambler can win the dealer, which is blackjack. It was a class teaching probabilities. I remembered he said that some books in foreign countries teaches money winning strategy with blackjack . In the early 1990s, there was no Amazon. I was a high school student who had curiosity but didn’t pursue. Being an adult, I went to Macau’s casinos and Star Cruises several times, playing blackjack, baccarat etc. It was just purely entertainment and entertainment and I love the excitement. I did not study the probability of winning. Of course, the losses had little effect on me. Anyway, I played it once in a blue moon and thus losses were negligible. Later on, I made mobile games on iPhone and Android. Games like Chinese Poker, Caribbean Poker, Baccarat and Blackjack were created. One day, I suddenly remembered what my mathematics teacher said. Suddenly curiosity took over. There wer...