Big 2 Scoring

The document shows how the poker game big 2 is scoring.
There are 2 cases.
When the game ends, North, East, South and West have remaining cards below:
North — 0
East — 1
South — 1
West — 1
The result:
North +3 (+1, +1, +1), East -1 (-1, 0, 0), South -1 (-1, 0, 0), West -1 (-1, 0, 0)
When the game ends, North, East, South and West have remaining cards below:
North — 0
East — 10 (will have penalty of x 2)
South — 5
West — 1
The result:
North +26 (+20, +5, +1), East -54 (-20, -15, -19), South +6 (-5, +15, -4), West -22 (-1, + 19, + 4)



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21點算牌法/技巧 - 決勝21點

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